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Group Hikes

5 Dogs Balance on a Log

Group Hikes

Group hikes are offered Monday-Thursday and last 1.5-2 hours. On our hikes your dog will get to play, train, swim, run, sniff, explore, and socialize!

Hikes are reserved for those living near the Woburn/Winchester border or Trapelo Rd, Waltham! Not sure if we offer pickup at your location? Send us a message by clicking here!


Hikers must commit to a minimum of two hikes per week.

Our Fast-Track to Off-Leash Freedom course includes 9 training walks (3 walks per week) and at least one private training session with you and your dog. This is a requirement in order to be accepted into group hikes. If your dog is already off-leashed trained, we will consider reducing this to a minimum of 3 walks. ​​

What your dog will learn ...​


  • Obedience: Sit, Down, Stay, Heel, Come

  • Off-Leash Etiquette ​​

    • Not running up to or chasing people, bikers, dogs, prey​

    • Sit/Stay and Heel while others pass on the trails

  • Multiple Marker System

  • Healthy social & play behavior with other dogs

  • Relaxation around other dogs/distractions

  • Impulse control around dogs/distractions

The Fast Track course is a requirement for safety purposes. During these walks, your trainer will teach your dog the skills necessary to enjoy group hikes safely. In the woods there are prey animals, other dogs, people, bikers, electric scooters, and many other distractions. We do not allow our hikers to chase or approach others and we do not let off-leash dogs charge members of our group. Safety is our number one priority. This means that we will not compromise on our recommendations if your trainer deems that your dog needs more than the 9-session minimum, or more intensive training, before joining group hikes. We also do not guarantee that all dogs are a good fit for group hikes. Initial recommendations and a joint decision will be made between you and your trainer during your initial consultation. The private training session is required to teach you what your dog has learned so you can reinforce it, and your dog is just as well behaved on hikes with you as when hiking with us!

Group Hike​s



Fast Track Course


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