Day Training Program

Day Training Program
In the Day Training Program, your trainer will come to your home between the hours of 12:00pm - 3:00pm for a one-hour session 3 or 4 days a week. During these sessions, your trainer will work with your dog one-on-one. At the end of the week, your trainer will work with you and your dog in a joint one-hour session in which you will learn the skills that your dog has been practicing all week and how to implement those skills. Homework assignments, resources, and other materials will be provided following each joint session at the end of the week. A weekly 20-minute virtual check-in is included.
The Day Training Program is for people who may have a busy work/life schedule and/or have limitations on how much time they can dedicate to training. It is a great option for those who would like their dog off-leash trained and is helpful for people whose dogs struggle with more severe behavioral issues and need a bit of extra help and support!
During your dog's one-on-one sessions with your trainer, your dog will have play time, sniff/walk time, and will engage in training exercises specific to your dog’s needs and your training goals.
4-Week Program
3 Sessions + 1 Joint Training Session per Week
4 Sessions + 1 Joint Training Session per Week
6-Week Program
3 Sessions + 1 Joint Training Session per Week
4 Sessions + 1 Joint Training Session per Week