
All new clients signing up for any service must first sign up for an initial consultation. During consultations, a full history of your dog will be taken including your dog’s upbringing, lifestyle, medical history, behavioral history, and more. This is so that your trainer can get to know you and your dog and create an individualized training program based on your dog's unique personality and needs. This also gives the client the opportunity to ask any questions about the trainer, training methods, and any other topics! Consultations usually last for 1 - 2 hours.
Not sure if you are ready for a dog? Or are you ready but unsure what kind of dog is right for you? Experienced with dogs but you've never raised a puppy? During this consultation, you and your trainer will discuss all that goes into living with and taking care of a dog or raising a puppy. This includes financial responsibilities, health and wellness (diet, exercise requirements, etc.), dog behavior, biological needs, adoption vs. finding a breeder, and more! Your trainer will help you decide what kind of dog might suit you and your lifestyle best, what living with a dog entails, and how to raise a puppy!